Nittugo - a hint of shoe Wearing Nittugos is like taking a walk in the mist... softly and gently they embrace the foot; you might almost forget that you're wearing shoes at all...
Buying Wildlings online is quick and easy. But is it also sustainable? Buying Wildlings online is quick and easy. But is it also sustainable?
How our foot arches provide stability The print of our foot arches show a tripod-like structure - just perfect for our stability.
Feather - The way to a sandal’s heart is through its sole Kollektion This year we again came very close to not having a sandal!We almost gave up. We thought that if the sandal wasn’t going to be a Wildling sandal, then why...
What Wildling sandals have to do with the windlass mechanism Fußgesundheit Kollektion In the Wildling sandal “Feather”, the windlass effect can work particularly effectively.
Atmospheric Wildlings: Photographer Sarah Pabst Sarah Pabst has been responsible for photo shoots, visual imagery and our Instagram channel from the beginning. She takes photos for news and image agencies and has a particular fondness...