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  • Wild springtime is in the air
    As new crocus tips peek up at the gentle sunshine, cheerful birdsong lures us outdoors to admire nature’s awakening in all its majestic colors. Each step brings us closer to spring, a growing sense of vitality and the magic of every moment. #ThatWildlingFeeling
    New models
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  • Wildlings Nearby
    Together we are many and with the Wildling Shelf a concept has been created that allows to try on and experience Wildlings in many places – live and in color. The current models are waiting for curious glances and first steps.
    Find a Wildling Shelf
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  • When Creativity and Wildness Become One
    Creativity begins, where the familiar meets new ideas. As spring arrives, the Wildling community begins to create – passionately crafting, reimagining, and celebrating uniqueness. Bound by individuality, united on the wild side.
    Wildling Facebook Community
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  • 10 reasons...
  • Small feet...
10 reasons... love minimal shoes

Minimal shoes are lightweight and flexible, with a wide toe box and no heel. They promote the foot’s natural movement, prevent misalignments and increase our wellbeing. But they do so much more. This brief love letter to minimal shoes includes 10 good reasons to step with them into a dynamic future.

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Small feet...

...wild adventures

Children’s feet are naturally made for going barefoot. From their first tentative steps to the wildest adventures, minimal shoes provide both the protection and the freedom of movement little feet need for healthy development. They’re lightweight, flexible and adaptable to the shape of the foot. Feet that are so perfect when they enter the world don’t need much. As little shoe as possible, as much protection as necessary.

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