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Press contact

We are happy to support your research with information, images, and the option to conduct interviews and film recordings.

Contact the press team
Mail: presse [at]

Contact the PR agency
Agentur muxmäuschenwild
Naunynstr. 38, 10999 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 755 66 794

Postal mail
Wildling Shoes c/o Public Relations
Walbach 9, 51766 Engelskirchen, Germany

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Press photos

We will gladly provide press photos in the appropriate quality on request (presse [at] for use in media coverage. The images may only be used in connection with reporting about Wildling Shoes and including acknowledgement of the source (“Wildling Shoes/Photographer”).

Contact us
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Information kit

Wildling – Minimal shoes with a regenerative effect. This compilation provides an overview of the work of Wildling Shoes.

  • About us (PDF) – Anna and Ran Yona, the founding idea, and the work of Wildling Shoes.
  • Facts & Figures (PDF) – How thin is the Wildling Shoe sole? How has the company developed since its foundation? Which awards has Wildling Shoes received so far?

Press releases

Together. Zusammen. ONU. Wildling Shoes launches collaboration “NKWO X Wildling – curated by Beatrace Oola“ & limited edition summer shoe

June 2023 - This is the first collaboration between a German sustainable label and the fashion designer Nkwo Onwuka from Nigeria and it provides a platform for addressing the topic of sustainability and decolonization of fashion from an African-Afrodiasporic perspective. […] read more [PDF]

For more media information in English please reach out via email to